1. A Long Overdue Visit To The Filipino Market!

    Say, we haven’t visited that Filipino market down the street lately, have we? What the hell’s wrong with me?  I need to follow my own advice: Like I’ve always said, cultures different from my own are a wealth of untapped comedy!

    Anyway, Thanksgiving’s just around the corner, and like you, I needed to stock up on fermented beans cake.


    It’s just not Thanksgiving without the fermented beans cake. Oh, sure, you can have your turkey, your stuffing, your dinner rolls, your cranberry sauce, your green bean casserole, your mashed potatoes, your yams, your pumpkin pie – but brother, if you’re missing the fermented beans cake, forget it! Forrrget-it!

    Call up Aunt Gail and Uncle Pete and Great Grandnana Betty and Joyce and Phil and Chuck and his latest wife and the cousins and the in-laws and all their kids and tell everyone to stay home: it’s not Thanksgiving – it’s just another Thursday. It’s just another Thursday without the fermented beans cake.  No fermented beans cake? Then Thanksgiving is canceled! Because there’s something to be said for tradition, dammit, and I’m sorry, call me old-fashioned, but I can’t imagine a Thanksgiving dinner without the fermented beans cake.


    …So I had to go pick up a can of fermented beans cake is what I’m saying.

    Anyway, while I was there at the market, I noticed this stuff:


    Can we get a closeup on the name of this stuff? We can?  Excellent.


    Black fungus!

    People pay for this stuff…?

    Hell, if that’s the case, my toenails are worth a fortune!

    Print this one out and pass it around the table next week right after Dad says grace.

    Posted by on November 22, 2013, 1:00 AM.

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